29 November, 2011

Jamie Woon tonight!

Tonight everything is about Jamie Woon, because in 3 hours he will be on stage in Tallinn!
And I´ll do my best to fight my fever and to get the most of it! I know a lot of my friends are coming, but if you´re not able to, enjoy my favourite songs here :)

The most special one, "Shoulda"

My second favourite "Street"

"Lady Luck" with an amazing choreography video

"Night Air", of course

And two amazing remixes, which unfortunately I think won´t be played tonight.
They actually are the only remixes I like from or with Jamie, all the others just seem to ruin the original songs.


Nele said...

Meeldis? Ma nägin teda suvel Götebrogis Way Out Westil. Plaat ja muusika meeldivad VÄGA, ikka TIPTOP IPodi edetabeli kraam. Konsert oli nii halb, et IPodist ka enam kuulanud ei ole... Aasta pettumus...

Anneliis said...

Ma täitsa nõustun, Nele! Peale kontserti mõtlesin, et mis puudu jäi?! Ja kontsert ise jäigi puudu.. Osa muusikast ei olegi vbl mõeldud laivi ja kontserdile, vaid omette naudisklemiseks...